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Axosoft is the Scrum software for agile teams

A powerful and comprehensive set of tools for software developers

Scrum and Bug Tracking

It's easier to plan sprints efficiently when you use Axosoft Release Planner to view the capacities of your sprint, team, and team members and assign work accordingly.
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Visualize progress with Axosoft's Card View. This fully interactive kanban board allows you to customize and edit item cards, add work logs, and see work-in-progress limits.
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Release on time when you have the right metrics at your fingertips. Axosoft custom dashboards provide a concise overview of your velocity, projected ship date and more.
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Help Desk and Wiki

Turn emails into support tickets, respond from inside Axosoft, and track customer conversations from start to finish!
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Build unlimited Wiki pages for test cases and documentation, and link to them from Axosoft items for quick reference.
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Create a custom Portal for your customers to create and edit tickets without using paid Axosoft accounts.
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